Purpose: Doing this will allow 1099Pro Enterprise or Professional to install and/or update without any interference from the anti-virus software.

To bypass the scanning of 1099Pro Enterprise, Professional, 1042-S, W-2 Pro, 8966 Pro and Corporate Suite (Note: This assumes that the software is installed in the default installation locations)

  1. On the home page of Avast Premier Anti-Virus Software, click on the Settings tab in the lower left of the window.

  2. In the General Settings menu, locate the Exclusions tab and click to expand.

  3.  Click browse

  4.  Locate the 1099Pro folder (default location: C:\1099 Pro\Pro99T16) and check the box next to "1099 Pro" and "1099 Utilities". Hit OK.

  5. Now under File Paths you will see C:\1099 Pro(this may be different depending on the location of the 1099 Pro folder). Hit OK

  6. 1099Pro will now run without interference from Avast Premier. An exclusion rule has been set.