Sample Excel Import File: |
Field Name | Size | Type | Description | Notes |
See Form Filer Common Fields | Filer fields common to all form types. | |||
See Recipient Common Fields | Recipient fields common to all form types. | |||
RCP TIN Checkbox | 1 | Checkbox | STUDENT'S taxpayer identification no. checkbox | X / Y / T / 1 = Checked |
Box 1 Amount | 12 | Amount | Box 1: Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses | |
Box 2 Amount | 12 | Amount | Box 2: Amounts billed for qualifed tuition and related expenses | |
Box 3 Checkbox | 1 | Checkbox | Box 3: Check if you have changed your reporting method for 2016 | |
Box 4 Amount | 12 | Amount | Box 4: Adjustments made for a prior year | |
Box 5 Amount | 12 | Amount | Box 5: Scholarships or grants | |
Box 6 Amount | 12 | Amount | Box 6: Adjustments to scholarships or grants for a prior year | |
Box 7 Checkbox | 1 | Checkbox | Box 7: Check this box if the amount in box 1 or 2 includes amounts... | X / Y / T / 1 = Checked |
Box 8 Checkbox | 1 | Checkbox | Box 8: Check if at least half-time student | X / Y / T / 1 = Checked |
Box 9 Checkbox | 1 | Checkbox | Box 9: Check if a graduate student | X / Y / T / 1 = Checked |
Box 10 Amount | 12 | Amount | Box 10: Ins. contract reimb./refund | |
See Form Common Fields | Form fields common to all form types. |
IRS 1098-T Form: IRS 1098-T Instructions: |