Import Files:

Import Form Fields:

Field NameSizeType DescriptionNotes
TIN11NumberTIN (EIN, SSN or blank = Applied for)EIN / SSN or Blank for "Applied for"
TIN Type1NumberEIN=1, SSN=2, Unknown type=0 or blankEIN = 1 / SSN = 2 / Unknown Type = 0 or Blank
TIN Masking1CharacterUse TIN Masking when printing recipient forms
TIN EIN Type1NumberEIN=0, QI,WP or WT-EIN=1, NQI-EIN=2
TIN is Applied For1CharacterTIN is 'Applied for' but not issued
Filer Payer Code15CharacterFiler Payer Code
Location Code14CharacterLocation code for this instance of TIN
Name Line 140CharacterName of the filing entity
Name Line 240CharacterFiler name line 2 of the filing entitiy
Address Type1CharacterBlank = US, C = Canada, O = Other
Address Line 140CharacterAddress location (street, etc.)
Address Line 240CharacterRouting address (Suite, department, etc.)
City40CharacterCity where the filer is located
State23CharacterState or Province, Locale if 'Other' country
Zip15CharacterUS zip or Canadian / 'Other' postal code.
Country Name25CharacterIRS/SSA Country name from code (w/opt key)
Email25CharacterEmail address for filer
Fax14CharacterFax number for filer
Combined Filer1CharacterCombined federal and state filing program
State Abbr for ID2Character2 letter abbreviation for state issuing ID#
State ID Number10CharacterState identification number
1099-INT RTN9CharacterFiler Routing Transfer Number (RTN), if applicable
1099-K Filer Type1NumberPSE/EPF/TPP indicator0 or Blank = Not Applicable / 1 = PST (Payment Settlement Entity / EPF = Electronic Payment Facilitator / TPP = Third Party Payer
1099-K PSE Name40CharacterPSE Name
1099-K PSE Phone20NumberPSE Phone
W-2 9411CharacterW-2: Allow 941 (Regular) payer type
W-2 9431CharacterW-2: Allow 943 (agriculture) payer type
W-2 9441CharacterW-2: Allow 944 (annual) payer type
W-2 CT11CharacterW-2: Allow CT-1 payer type
W-2 Household1CharacterW-2: Allow household payer type
W-2 MGE1CharacterW-2: Allow MGE (Medicare govt emp) payer type
W-2 Military1CharacterW-2: Allow military payer type
W-2 3rd party1CharacterW-2: 3rd party sick pay
W-2 Employer Type1CharacterW-2: Employer type for W-3 forms
W-2 Establishment1CharacterW-2: Establishment number
1042-S Nominee1Character1042-S: Filer is nominee (Used for 2006 forms only)
1042-S Ch 3 Status2Character1042-S: Chapter 3 status codeWHA Chapter 3 status code. Code can be set default per filer in Filer preferences. Import will override default code.
1042-S Ch 4 Status2Character1042-S: Chapter 4 status codeWHA Chapter 4 status code. Code can be set default per filer in Filer preferences. Import will override default code.
1042-S Foreign TIN22Character1042-S: Foreign TIN (If any)
1042-S GIIN19Character1042-S: Global Intermediary ID Number
Region Code6CharacterRegion Code
Contact Dept15CharacterContact department
Contact Dept Full40CharacterFull contact dept name
Contact is Default1NumberContact is filer default when adding forms
Contact Name40ContactContact name for department
Contact Phone15CharacterContact phone for department
Contact Ext7CharacterContact phone extension for department
See Recipient Common Fields Recipient fields common to all form types.
See Form Specific Fields Fields specific to a particular form type.
See Form Common Fields Form fields common to all form types.

Filer Common Fields:

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