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Release Notes
This update will clear all rule customization's (rare). It is recommend that you print your current rule report before applying this update if you have made any customization's. File -> Security and Administration -> Program Options -> Tax Form Validation for Import and Entry -> View/Print Rules Report.
NEW: For printouts of copies B, C & D you can stack the First Name over the Last Name fields in box 13d Recipients Name. If First Name is not used then the Last Name field will be stacked on top of the Recipients Name 2 field. To access this print format select the paper type “Pressure Seal/Alternate Combined Layouts”, Click on the box “Select the Pressure Seal or ACL Format”, then select Alternate Comb. Custom RBC”. Note this layout is not available for Copy A printouts because of the restrictions imposed by IRS Pub 1179 for Substitute Forms.
FIXED: Export feature now exports country code.
FIXED: Removed CFS warning for Service Bureau uploads.
UPDATED: Dates imported from Excel are now supported back to 1900.
UPDATED: Advanced Printing option for Address/Envelope offset is now supported.
UPDATED: Business Rule validations have been updated to reflect the correct box numbers.
UPDATED: Expanded 1042-S print fields to avoid truncation.