IRS Release Status: FINAL

Sample Excel Import File: 1095-B 2016.xlsx 

What's New for 2016

  • Filing requirements.   Health insurance issuers and carriers are encouraged (but not required) to report coverage in catastrophic health plans enrolled in through the Marketplace for months in 2016.
  • Form revisions.    The language “Do not attach to your tax return. Keep for your records.” was inserted on the Form 1095-B under the title of the form. Form 1095-B, Part I, lines 2 and 3, and Part IV, columns (b) and (c) were updated to reflect the rule that a taxpayer identification number (TIN) may be entered. Form 1095-B, line 9 is now reserved. The heading to Part II was revised to read “Information about Certain Employer-Sponsored Coverage” to clarify that Part II will be blank for some individuals with employer-sponsored coverage. Other minor clarifying changes were made to Form 1095-B.
  • Notice 2016-70: This notice extends the due date for certain 2016 information-reporting requirements for insurers, self-insuring employers, and certain other providers of minimum essential coverage under section 6055 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) and for applicable large employers under section 6056 of the Code. Specifically, this notice extends the due date for furnishing to individuals the 2016 Form 1095-B, Health Coverage, and the 2016 Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage, from January 31, 2017, to March 2, 2017. This notice also extends good-faith transition relief from section 6721 and 6722 penalties to the 2016 information-reporting requirements under sections 6055 and 6056.


Import Form Fields:

Field NameSizeType DescriptionNotes
See Form Filer Common Fields    
See Recipient Common Fields    
Rcp Email65Text  
Rcp IMB65Text  
Tax State2Text  
Emp TIN11NumericPart II: Employer EIN 
Emp TIN Type1NumericPart II: Employer TIN TypeEIN=1, SSN=2, Unknown type=0 or blank
Emp Address Type1TextPart II: Employer Address Type 
Emp Country Code2TextPart II: Country Code 
Emp Country Key1NumericPart II: Country Key 
Emp Name 140TextPart II: Employer Name 1 
Emp Name 240TextPart II: Employer Name 2 
Emp Address 140TextPart II: Employer Street Address 
Emp Address 240TextPart II: Employer Suite/Apt 
Emp City40TextPart II: City 
Emp State23TextPart II: Employer State/Province 
Emp Zip15TextPart II: Employer Zip/Postal Code 
Rcp Date of Birth8DateRecipient date of birthMM/DD/YYYY or M/D/YYYY
Policy Origin Code2TextLetter identifying the origin of the policy 
Ind All Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered all 12 months checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Apr Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for April checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Aug Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for August checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Dec Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for December checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Feb Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for February checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Jan Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for January checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Jul Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for July checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Jun Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for June checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Mar Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for March checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind May Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for May checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Nov Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for November checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Oct Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for October checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Ind Sep Coverage Chk1CheckboxIndividual: Covered for September checkboxX / Y / T / 1 = Checked


1095-B Form: 

IRS 1095-B Form:  1095-B Form

IRS 1095-B Instructions:  1095-B Instructions

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