IRS Release Status: FINAL

Sample Excel Import File: 5498-SA 2018.xlsx

What's New for 2018

  • No changes.

Import Form Fields:

Field NameSizeType DescriptionNotes
See Form Filer Common FieldsFiler fields common to all form types.
See Recipient Common FieldsRecipient fields common to all form types.

Box 1 Amount


Box 1: Employee or self-employed person's Archer MSA contributions...

Box 2 Amount

12AmountBox 2: Total contributions made in 2015

Box 3 Amount


Box 3: Total HSA or MSA contributions made in 2016 for 2015

Box 4 Amount12AmountBox 4: Rollover contributions
Box 5 Amount12AmountBox 5: Fair market value of HSA, Archer MSA, or M+C MSA
Box 6 Checkbox 11CheckboxBox 6: HSAX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Box 6 Checkbox 21CheckboxBox 6: Archer MSAX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
Box 6 Checkbox 31CheckboxBox 6: MA MSAX / Y / T / 1 = Checked
See Form Common FieldsForm fields common to all form types.

5498-SA Form:

IRS 5498-SA Form:  5498-SA_2018 Form

IRS 5498-SA Instructions: 5498-SA_2018 Instructions

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